Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Aaij, Michel. »Perverted Love in Chaucer's "Anelida and Arcite".« Medieval Perspectives 14 (1999): 13-19.

[Info] Aalto, Seppo. Kirkko ja kruunu seveellisyyden vartijoina: Seksuaalirikollisuus, esivalta ja yhteisö Porvoon kihlakunnassa, 1621-1700. Helsinki 1996.

[Info] Abad, Irene. »Las dimensiones de la «represión sexuada» durante la dictadura franquista.« Revista de Historia Jerónimo Zurita No. 84 (2009): 65-86.

[Info] Abad Buil, Irene. »Represión sexuada: La victimización de la mujer republicana durante la guerra civil y el franquismo.« Estudios de mujere. Vol. VII. Edited by Ana Antón-Pacheco Bravo et al. Madrid 2010: 263-272.

[Info] Abad Buil, Irene, et al. »Castigos "de género" y violencia política en la España de Posguerra: Hacia un concepto de "Represión sexuada" sobre las mujeres republicanas.« No es país para jovenes: Actas del III Encuentro de jóvenes investigadores de la AHC. Edited by Alejandra Ibarra Aguirregabiria. Vitoria-Gasteiz 2012.

[Info] Abadía, Marcela. »Criminal Justice Policy through the Use of Indicators: The Case of Sexual Violence in the Armed Conflict in Colombia.« International Law No. 25 (2014): 17-52.

[Info] Abadía, Marcela. »Política criminal por medio del uso de indicadores: El caso de la violencia sexual en el conflicto armado colombiano.« International Law No. 25 (2014): 53-90.

[Info] Abasili, Alexander I. »Was It Rape? The David and Bathsheba Pericope Re-examined.« Vetus Testamentum 61 (2011): 1-15.

[Info] Abasili, Alexander. The Understanding of Adultery in the Hebrew Bible and in Igbo Culture. Ph.D. Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2012.

[Info] Abasili, Alexander I. The Understanding of Adultery in the Hebrew Bible: A Critical Survey. Bloomington 2016.

[Info] Abbas, Ahmed H. »New Issues of Women Characters In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Sula.« Journal of Basra Research for Human Sciences 43 (2018): 113-124.

[Info] Abbas, Ali H. »A Critical Cognitive-Discourse Analysis of the Rohingya Crisis in the Press.« International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (March 30, 2024).

[Info] Abbasiyannejad, Mina, et al. »Sexual Politics in Ian McEwan's The Innocent.« Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (2013): 236-241.

[Info] Abbasiyannejad, Mina, et al. »Sex Complexity and Politics in Black Dogs by Ian McEwan.« Chaos Theory in Politics. Edited by Santo Banerjee et al. Dordrecht 2014: 191-201.

[Info] Abbott, Scott. »"Andre Umstände": Erection as Self-Assertion in Kleist's Die Marquise von O...Heinrich von Kleist: Style and Concept. Explorations of Literary Dissonance. Edited by Dieter Sevin et al. Berlin 2013: 101-112.

[Info] Abdel-Rahman Télley, Shadia. Broken Bodies and Fragmented Minds: Female Subjectivity, Narrativity and the Phenomenology of Illness and Sexual Violence in Eimear McBride's A Girl is a Half-formed Thing and Camilla Gibb's Mouthing the Words. Tesis de Máster, Universidad de Oviedo, 2015.

[Info] Abdel-Rahman Télley, Shadia. »Talking Bodies: Sexual Abuse, Language, Illness and Dissociation in Camilla Gibb's Mouthing the WordsAtlantis 40 (2018): 117-133.

[Info] Abdo, Nahla. Captive Revolution: Palestinian Women's Anti-Colonial Struggle Within the Israeli Prison System. London 2014.

[Info] Abdullah-Khan, Noreen. Survivors of Male Rape: The Emergence of a Social and Legal Issue. Ph.D. Thesis, Middlesex University, 2002.

[Info] Abdullah-Khan, Noreen. Male Rape: The Emergence of a Social and Legal Issue. Basingstoke 2008.

[Info] Abdullahi, Fardowsa. Rape as a Weapon of War in Darfur Conflict. M.A. Thesis, University of San Francisco, 2016.

[Info] Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah I. Against the Closet: Black Political Longing and the Erotics of Race. Durham 2012.

[Info] Abdussamad, Zainuddin, et al. »Gender-Based Oppression in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s TaleRainbow 13 (2024): 29-35.

[Info] Abfalterer, Ruth. Verliebt – Verführt – Verstoßen: Das Motiv der Verführung in ausgewählten polnischen und englischen Texten des 19. Jahrhunderts. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2012.

[Info] Abigun, Folasade O. »Trend of Crime in Ibadan (1999-2008).« Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies 13 (2013): 40-53.

[Info] Abiral, Bürge. »Silencing Sexual Violence and Vulnerability: Women's Narratives of Incarceration during the 1980-1983 Military Junta in Turkey.« Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence. Edited by Ayşe G. Altinay et al. London 2016: 93-106.

[Info] Ablamskyi. Serhii, et al. »A Comparative Study of Wartime Rapes: The Experience of Bosna and Herzegovina and Ukraine.« Baltic Journal of Law & Politics 117 (2024): 136-162.

[Info] Abler, Thomas S. »Scalping, Torture, Cannibalism and Rape: An Ethnohistorical Analysis of Conflicting Cultural Values in War.« Anthropologica 34 (1992): 3-20.

[Info] Abraham, Andrea. »Verstummen, verstecken, entfliehen: Gewalterzählungen von Nachkommen biografisch belasteter Eltern.« Von Generation zu Generation: Wie biografische Brüche in Familien weiterwirken. Edited by Andrea Abraham. Baden-Baden 2023: 123-153.

[Info] Abrahams, Naeemah, et al. »Intimate Partner Femicide in South Africa in 1999 and 2009.« PLoS Medicine 10 (2013).

[Info] Abrahams, Yvette. »Was Eva Raped? An Exercise in Speculative History.« Kronos 23 (1996): 3-21.

[Info] Abramovich, Dvir. »Rape and Violence in the Fiction of Amos Oz.« Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 12 (1998): 119-142.

[Info] Abramovich, Dvir. »A Woman-Centered Examination of the Heroines in the Stories of Amos Oz.« Women in Judaism 6(2) (2009).

[Info] Abramovich, Dvir. »Arab-Israeli tensions and Kibbutz life in an early story by Amos Oz.« Medaon 8(15) (2014).

[Info] Abramson, Michael J., et al. »Association between ambient temperature and sex offense: A case-crossover study in seven large US cities, 2007-2017.« Sustainable Cities and Society (March 4, 2021).

[Info] Abrego, Verónica A. Erinnerung und Intersektionalität: Frauen als Opfer der argentinischen Staatsrepression (1975-1983). Bielefeld 2016.

[Info] Abreu-Ferreira, Darlene. Women, Crime, and Forgiveness in Early Modern Portugal. Farnham 2015.

[Info] Abu-Odeh, Desiree, et al. »Social Constructions of Rape at Columbia University and Barnard College, 1955-90.« Social Science History 44 (2020): 355-379.

[Info] Aceves, Gabriela. »"¿Cosas de Mujeres ?": Feminist Networks of Collaboration in 1970s Mexico.« Artelogie No. 5 (2013).

[Info] Aceves, Gabriela. »"¿Cosas de Mujeres ?": Feminist Networks of Collaboration in 1970s Mexico.« Artelogie No. 5 (2013).

[Info] Achim, Miruna. »El himen mexicano a finales del siglo xix.« Boletín del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas 5 (2000): 59-85.

[Info] Acker, James R. Scottsboro and Its Legacy: The Cases that Challenged American Legal and Social Justice. Westport 2008.

[Info] Ackerman, Jeff, et al. »Gender Gap Trends for Violent Crimes, 1980 to 2003: A UCR-NCVS Comparison.« Feminist Criminology 1 (2006): 72-98.

[Info] Ackley, Katherine A. »Violence Against Women in the Novels of Early British Women Writers.« Living by the Pen: Early British Women Writers. Edited by Dale Spender. New York 1992: 212-224.

[Info] Acosta Hernández, Cindy L. »Violencia basada en el género y guerra: Mujeres, violencia sexual, desplazamiento forzado y restitución de tierras en el departamento del Magdalena entre 1999 a 2012.« Criterios 8 (2015): 207-258.

[Info] Acypreste, Carolina P. »O estupro das mulheres Yazidis como arma de guerra do Estado Islâmico.« Entropia No. 8 (2020):144-163.

[Info] Adam, Cornelia. »Vergewaltigungen in Dresden nach 1945.« Dresdner Hefte No. 53 (1998): 60-64.

[Info] Adams, Alex. »'The sweet tang of rape': Torture, survival and masculinity in Ian Fleming's Bond novels.« Feminist Theory (March 23, 2017).

[Info] Adams, Alex. »Graner's Laugh: The Conceptual Architecture of a Guantanamo Rape Joke.« Signs 44 (2018): 107-130.

[Info] Adams, Alexandra. Der Tatbestand der Vergewaltigung im Völkerstrafrecht. Berlin 2013.

[Info] Adams, Jad. Madder Music, Stronger Wine: The Life of Ernest Dowson, Poet and Decadent. London 2000.

[Info] Adams, Madison M. "The Socially Induced Silence": Feminist Ideology and the Construction of Battered Women's Shelters in the 1970s. Senior Thesis, Kalamazoo College. 2019.

[Info] Adams, Michael. »Specular Rape: Reflections on Early Modern Reflections of the Present Day.« Centennial Review 41 (1997): 217-250.

[Info] Adams, Percy G. »What Happened in Olivia's Bedroom? or Ambiguity in The Plain DealerEssays in Honor of Esmond Linworth Marilla. Edited by Thomas A. Kirby et al. Baton Rouge 1970: 174-187.

[Info] Addis Saba, Marina. Io donna, io persona: Appunti per una storia della legge contro la violenza sessuale. Interviste-incontro con Comitato promotore romano della legge di iniziativa popolare. Rome 1985.

[Info] Aded, Naura L., et al. »Abuso sexual em crianças e adolescentes: revisão de 100 anos de literaturas.« Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica 33 (2006): 204-213.

[Info] Adelman, Howard. »Servants and Sexuality: Seduction, Surrogacy, and Rape: Some Observations Concerning Class, Gender, and Race in Early Modern Italian Jewish Families.« Gender and Judaism: The Transformation of Tradition. Edited by Tamar M. Rudavsky. New York 1995: 81-97.

[Info] Adelman, Howard. »The Theory and History of Genocide.« International History Review 26 (2004): 89-96.

[Info] Ademiluka, Solomon O. »Sexual exploitation or legitimate surrogacy.« Theologia Viatorum 43(1) (2019).

[Info] Ademiluka, Solomon O. »Interpreting the David-Bathsheba narrative (2 Sm 11:2-4) as a response by the church in Nigeria to masculine abuse of power for sexual assault.« HTS Teologiese Studies 77(4) (2021).

[Info] Aderinto, Saheed. When Sex Threatened the State: Illicit Sexuality, Nationalism, and Politics in Colonial Nigeria, 1900-1958. Urbana 2015.

[Info] Adesina, Oluwakemi A. »The 'Girl-Hawking War' in Colonial Lagos.« A History of the Girl: Formation, Education and Identity. Edited by Mary O'Dowd et al. Cham 2018: 225-236.

[Info] Adhiambo, Christabel A. Youth and Violent Conflicts in Nairobi's Kibera Slum 1992-2008. M.A. Thesis, University of Nairobi, 2012.

[Info] Adiga, Malini. »Rape in Medieval Karnataka: Inter-Village Warfare and Opportunities for Male Heroism.« Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 78 (2017): 207-219.

[Info] Adjei, Nicholas K., et al. »Trends in prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence against women in Zimbabwe, 2005-2015.« BMC International Health and Human Rights 20 (2020).

[Info] Adkins-Jones, Amey V. »The Rape of the Negress: Visual Violence, Theological Erasure, and Black Feminist Fugitivity.« Meridians 22 (2023): 146-168.

[Info] Adland, Sara R. Maria Goretti: An Icon of Virginity, An Icon of Silence, An Opportunity for Change. Senior Thesis, Haverford College, 2006.

[Info] Adler, Gillian. »"Writing History, Writing Trauma": The Rape of Igerna in the Medieval Brut Narratives.« Medieval Feminist Forum 56 (2021): 48-72.

[Info] Adler, Zsuzsanna. Rape on Trial. London 1987.

[Info] Adriaens, Pieter R., et al. »Pathologizing Sexual Deviance: A History.« Journal of Sex Research 50 (2013): 276-298.

[Info] Aebischer, Pascale. »Women Filming Rape in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus: Jane Howell and Julie Taymor.« Études anglaises 55 (2002): 136-147.

[Info] Aebischer, Pascale. Shakespeare's Violated Bodies: Stage and Screen Performance. Cambridge 2004.

[Info] Aebischer, Pascale. »Silence, Rape and Politics in Measure for Measure: Close Readings in Theatre History.« Shakespeare Bulletin 26 (2008): 1-19.

[Info] Affleckt, Stacy. Mythical Creatures: The Gothic/Romantic Evolution of the Pained Female Rape Victim. M.A. Thesis, Rutgers-The States University of New Jersey, 2013.

[Info] Afolabi, Ayobami A., et al. »Extending the rape narrative: a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the construction of rape in selected Nigerian dailies.« Legon Journal of the Humanities 35 (2024): 164-191.

[Info] Afrin, Zakia. »The International War Crimes (Tribunal) Act, 1973 of Bangladesh.« Indian Yearbook of International Law and Policy (2009): 341-348.

[Info] Afrin, Zakia. »Reinforcing Demands for Gender Justice: The War Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh.« Samar No. 40 (2013).

[Info] Afsous, Shirin. »The Language of Rape: Margaret Mitchell's Defense of Spousal Rape in Gone With the WindMetamorphosis (2012).

[Info] Aftel, Samuel. "The Place Where Rape Happens": Contestation, Compliance, and Institutionalized Violence on Campus, 1972-Today. Senior Thesis, Princeton University, 2020.

[Info] Agathangelou, Anna M. »Nationalist Narratives and (Dis)Appearing Women: State-Sanctioned Sexual Violence.« Canadian Woman Studies 19 (2000): 12-21.

[Info] Agawu-Kakraba, Yaw. »Sexual and Erotic Domination: Master and Slave in Fernando Arrabal's The Grand CeremonialRomance Languages Annual 8 (1996): 351-357.

[Info] Agazzi, Elena. »Vergewaltigung.« Literatur und Medizin: Ein Lexikon. Edited by Bettina von Jagow et al. Göttingen 2005: 829-832.

[Info] Aggrawal Anil. »References to the paraphilias and sexual crimes in the Bible.« Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 16 (2009): 109-114.

[Info] Agha, Suzanne, et al. »Gender Gap Trends for Violent Crimes, 1980 to 2003: A UCR-NCVS Comparison.« Feminist Criminology 1 (2006): 72-98.

[Info] Aginam, Obijofor, et al., eds. Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: International Agendas and African Contexts. New York 2014.

[Info] Agirre, Katixa. »Lolita airada: Girl power y venganza en Hard Candy (David Slade, 2005).« Zer No. 33 (2012): 87-99.

[Info] Agirre Aranburu, Xabier. »Sexual Violence beyond Resonable Doubt: Using Pattern Evidence and Analysis for International Cases.« Law & Social Inquiry 35 (2010): 855-879.

[Info] Agirre Aranburu, Xabier. »Sexual Violence beyond Resonable Doubt: Using Pattern Evidence and Analysis for International Cases.« Leiden Journal of International Law 23 (2010): 609-627.

[Info] Agirre-Aranburu, Xabier. »La violencia sexual más allá de toda duda razonable: El uso de prueba y análisis de patrones en casos internacionales.« Revista Estudios Socio-Jurídicos 13 (2011): 11-42.

[Info] Agoramoorthy, Govindasamy. »Gang Rape in Dehli: A Nation in Shame.« American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities 3 (2013): 1-2.

[Info] Aguilar, Santiago. »Occurrió a la luz del día: La censura y las versiones de El ceboEu-topías No. 10 (2015): 47-65.

[Info] Aguilar, Yolanda, et al. Rompiendo el silencio: Justicia para las mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual durante el conflicto armado en Guatemala. Guatemala 2006.

[Info] Aguilera Espinoza, Yerling M. El contexto vital de la participación de las mujeres en la guerrilla sandinista para el periodo de 1970-1979. Informe de investigación, Universidad Centroamericana, 2016.

[Info] Ahbe, Thomas, et al. »Fallstudie Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch in Institutionen der DDR: Fallstudie zu den Anhörungen und Dokumenten der Aufarbeitungskommission.« Geschichten, die zählen. Vol. 1. Edited by Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs. Wiesbaden 2020: 175-237.

[Info] Ahbel-Rappe, Karin. »"I no Longer Believe": Did Freud Abandon the Seduction Theory?« Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 54 (2006): 171-199.

[Info] Ahlberg, Beth M., et al. »Constructing Soldiers from Boys in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.« Men and Masculinities 16 (2013): 203-227.

[Info] Ahmadi, Anas. »The Traces of Oppression and Trauma to Ethnic Minorities in Indonesia Who Experienced Rape on the 12 May 1998 Tragedy: A Review of Literature.« Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Studies 8 (2021): 126-144.

[Info] Ahn, Mihyang. Revitalizing Movement Identity: The Case of the Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center in South Korea, 1991-2006. M.A. Thesis, University of Hawai'i, 2007.

[Info] Ahn, Shin-Kweon. »Das Haus des Teilens – Ein Bericht über "Nanum-ui jib".« Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten: Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 255-261.

[Info] Ahn, Shin-Kweon. »The House of Sharing - A Report on Nanum-ui jibForced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 315- .

[Info] Ahn, Shinkwon, et al. »Pre- and Post-War Life History of Sex Slave Victims by Imperial Japanese Army.« Life Science Journal 11(S7) (2014): 528-533.

[Info] Ahn, Yong-Yeol, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024).

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Out of the Darkness: The Story of a 'Comfort Woman'.« Indian Journal of Gender Studies 3 (1996): 225-232.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Korean "Comfort Women" and Military Sexual Slavery in World War II. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick, 1999.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Uncomfortable truths.« Trouble & Strife No. 41 (2000): 56-60.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Unveiling Myths: Masculine Sexuality and the Issue of "Comfort Women". London 2002.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Japan's 'Comfort Women' and Historical Memory: The Neo-nationalist Counter-attack.« The Power of Memory in Modern Japan. Edited by Sven Saaler et al. London 2008: 32-53.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Wianbu munje kiŏk hagi: Manggakesŏ kiŏkŭibumŭro.« Suheng inmunhak 38 (2008): 61-85.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »'Taming Soldiers': The Gender Politics of Japanese Soldiers in Total War.« Gender Politics and Mass Dictatorship. Edited by Jie-Hyun Lim et al. Basingstoke 2010: 213-234.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Rewriting the History of Colonialism in South Korea.« Broken Narratives: Post-Cold War History and Identity in Europe and East Asia. Edited by Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik. Leiden 2014: 109-132.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Together and Apart: Transnational Women's Activism in the "Comfort Women" Campaign in South Korea and Japan.« Comparative Korean Studies 23 (2015): 39-62.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. »Yearning for affection: Traumatic bonding between Korean 'comfort women' and Japanese soldiers during World War II.« European Journal of Women's Studies (August 27, 2018).

[Info] Ahuvia, Mika. »Sexual Violence: Early Judaism.« The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies. Vol. 2. Edited by Julia M. O'Brien. Oxford 2014.

[Info] Ahuvia, Mika. »Analogies of Violence in Rabbinic Literature.« Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 34 (2018): 59-74.

[Info] Aidoo, Lamonte. Slavery Unseen: Sex, Power, and Violence in Brazilian History. Durham 2018.

[Info] Aiello, Matthew G. »(Re)Counting Rape in Alfred's Domboc and Early English Law.« Comitatus 48 (2017): 1-19.

[Info] Ailes, Mary E. Courage and Grief: Women and Sweden's Thirty Years' War. Lincoln 2018.

[Info] Aira Gallardo, Maika. »"Women Relinquish all Personal Rights in Front of a Man": Analyzing Sexual Violence in Ntozake Shange's For Colored GirlsRaudem 1 (2013): 183-200.

[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. "I Would Have Kill'd Myself with a Knife": Sexual Violence, Courtroom Broadside, and the Restoration Stage. Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University, 2009.

[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. The Politics of Rape: Sexual Atrocity, Propaganda Wars, and the Restoration Stage. Newark 2012.

[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. »Staging Rape in the Age of Walpole: Sexual Violence and the Politics of Dramatic Adaptation in 1730s Britain.« Interpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2013: 95-106.

[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. »Justice and the Bashaw of Merryland: Harem Fantasy, Rape Narrative, and the Trial of Lord Baltimore (1768).« Ottoman Empire and European Theatre. Vol. III. Edited by Michael Hüttler et al. Vienna 2015: 167-187.

[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. »Staging Rape in the Age of Walpole: Sexual Violence and the Politics of Dramatic Adaptation in 1730s Britain.« Interpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2016: 95-106.

[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. »Cult: The Case of Mary-Catherine Cadière.« Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 48 (2019): 257-260.

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[Info] Airiau, Paul. »Sanctionner les crimes et délits sexuels dans l'Église catholique en France: Une premièe approche (1950-2020).« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 57-72.

[Info] Aitken, Robert. Original Dwelling Place: Zen Buddhist Essays. Washington, D.C. 1996.

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[Info] Akano, Richard D., et al. »Extending the rape narrative: a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the construction of rape in selected Nigerian dailies.« Legon Journal of the Humanities 35 (2024): 164-191.

[Info] Akay-Türker, Fatma. Osmanische Frauen des 16. Jahrhunderts, dargestellt anhand publizierter Mühimme Defterleri. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2013.

[Info] Akello, Grace. »Experiences of forced mothers in northern Uganda: the legacy of war.« Intervention 11 (2013): 149-156.

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[Info] Alaei, Sarieh, et al. »Western Feminist Consciousness in Buchi Emecheta's The Joys of MotherhoodInternational Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 42 (2014): 12-20.

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[Info] Alcoff, Linda M. »Sexual Violations and the Question of Experience.« New Literary History 45 (2014): 445-462.

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